The academic subjects including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are
categorized under STEM courses. STEM degrees often have an interdisciplinary, hands-on
educational approach and they prepare students for a world which needs more researchers,
engineers, computer scientists, and other professionals from the top STEM fields.

KnowLedS bring to you the list of finest STEM programs across UK. The list is
comprehensive and is subject to programs taught in English to international students. Enjoy
the read and study abroad at the finest Britain schools.


The courses like Humanities, Arts, Literature and Management comes under Non-STEM
subjects. The Non-STEM degrees are study of disciplines except Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics. Thus Non STEM is a vast field and probably has more
subjects than STEM. KnowLedS bring to you the finest programs in the UK from the domain
of non STEM so your research is simplified and you can make the right decision for your
next educational abode.